​Troop 69
Congratulations to the new PLC!
SPL - Eli DeMarco ASPL - Alek Baloski, Henry Huffman
PLs SP- Daksh Vyas, RDF - Naman Vyas, TK- Samuel Ober APL SP- AJ Moore
Scribe - Emory Mooreland
Quartermaster - Christian Roberts
Historian- Isaac Otto
Librarian- Holden Neumann
Troop Guide - Charlie Huffman
*The Racing Eagles did not have quorum so their PL APL election is delayed
Mandatory Parent Meeting to go over 2024 changes, expectations, Troop policies, and questions and concerns.
We will have signups. Parents who are not present may be signed up in less preferred options.
Grubmaster Conerns
T69 has added grubmaster rules to the meeting Feb 5 to review as this last outing showed we need improvement!
1. We are learning to cook! No instant food allowed!
2. Meals should be tasty fuel. Scouts need calories to stay warm, have energy to participate, and general morale. This is not where we push any restrictive diets! Each meal should include a protein, a sweet, a fruit and/or vegetable, and a carbohydrate. One meal requires the use of a dutch oven. On every campout! (Backpacking has different rules)
3. Cooking requires dishes. Use them! We know everyone hates washing dishes - scout is helpful.
February 2024
Feb. 5 - PLC meeting- 6pm - TPCC
Feb. 5 - Troop meeting - 7pm - TPC - new scout family welcome / Scouts winter weather and grubmaster rules, grub 1
Feb. 12 - Committee meeting- 6pm - TPCC
Feb. 12 - Troop meeting - 7pm - TPCC - Mandatory Parent Meeting/ Scouts Knots, grub 2
Feb. 16-18 - Troop campout - Pokagon
Feb. 19 - NO MEETING
Feb. 26 - Troop meeting - 7pm - TPCC - Citizenship
* Summer Camp signup due Feb 5 https://t69-summer-camp-2024.cheddarup.com
* Merit Badge Opportunities
Remember - if it is not shared by Crossroads of America Council or our Troop, the scout must obtain permission from the SM before taking the MB. Class.
* February 2 , Boone County Fairgrounds https://scoutingevent.com/160-79641
* February 24, 2024,in Madison, Indiana. Hoosier Trails Council - Eastside Merit Badge Day & Training EXPO (scoutingevent.com)
* Crossroads of America is having one March 1-2, 2024 in Carmel Crossroads of America Council - 2024 Monon Merit Badge University (scoutingevent.com)
* Also on March 2, 2024 Sagamore is hosting an MBU in Kokomo Sagamore Council - 2024 - University of Scouting - Spring Semester @ IUK Sponsored By Subaru of Indiana Automotive
* March 16, Wabash Valley https://scoutingevent.com/160-79641